Association Guillaume de Moyon (Association of William of Moyon)
This Association was created to:
Promote and organise changes between : the district communes, organisations or people from France or foreign countries who have a communal connection with Moyon.
Promote and urge the preservation of historic sites and heritage of Moyon.
Our energetic work:
The organisation of meetings in Moyon.
Gathering of people who are called “Moyon”, and who have encouraged us to get on well with the associations of St. Anne de St. Joachim, Marais de la Brière, and Loire Atlantique where Moyon people live.
The exchanges with : The community of Hazelbury Bryan in Dorset.
Dunster castle, Somerset.
(These were lands owned by the Barons of Moyon between 1066 and 1204.)
Correspondence with the American veterans of the 2nd World war.
The historic research of Moyon with the formation of photographic archives and all other documents, objects and other things.
The encouragement to spend some time here - the descendants of Guillaume de Moyon, the veterans and /or their families. Accommodation can be in a holiday cottage or bed and breakfast (ask us to book). These visits are open to anyone who is interested.
We are open to all contact from you, to which we hope to give a reply.
You can contact us: 151724842
By email at : or
By mail at : Jean-françois PIGNET, La Petite Breudière, 50860, Moyon, Normandie, France.