The name of Moyon
The name of the commune
Probably the original celtic Moyon was situated in Normandy (Manche)
spelling: ancient period MOION
contemporary period MOYON
The title of nobility
Awarded by the Duke of Normandy in 1047 to one of his companions:
Baron of Moyon
spelling: in the periods Norman and Anglo-Norman - MOION MOYON
English period: MOIUN / MOYHUN MOYN MOYUN / MOHON MOHUM MOHUN / MOUN MOUNE / MOON MOOUN / MOWN / MAHON MAHOUNE / final spelling in 1250: MOHUN (ended 1404)
Nowadays we come across the familly name MOHUN as well as the variations in England and the USA. These people are probably descendants of the ancestry of William of Moyon.
The inheritance
The familly name MOYON exists in an important way in the marsh at Brière (Loire Atlantique). This strong concentration seems to be the original as it is true that the greatest majority of MOYONs are originally from this area.
The link
The link between the nobility and the community is established by evidence. It is not the same between the inheritance and the name of the community, in the same way as the title of nobility, so all information on this subject interests us.